Jan 10

Jan 10

January Skills Camps 

2025 Albion Skills Camp 2017-2014

January Skills Camp offered by Albion SC Idaho. Ready to build your skills? Come out to our 3-day skills camp. 

Camp details: (Camp 2 of a 3 part Series) 

  • Camp 1 was designated around Principals of Attack, Camp 2 will be Principals of Defense, and Camp 3 will be building from the back and switching the point of attack. 

Ages 2015 - 2013

Cost: $125.00 per player 

Register today! 


 January 1/10, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

January 1/11, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 

November 8th, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 


Camp Location:  2311 E Lanark St, Meridian, ID 83642

Camp Director Jon Garrard 

For more information please email jon.garrard@albionscidaho.org 

ALBION Skills Camp 2013- 2010

January Skills Camp offered by Albion SC Idaho. Ready to build your skills? Come out to our 3-day skills camp. 

Camp details: (Camp 2 of a 3 part Series) 

  • Camp 1 will be designated around Principals of Attack, Camp 2 will be Principals of Defense, and Camp 3 will be building from the back and switching the point of attack. 

Ages 2013- 2010

Cost: $125.00 per player 

Register today! 


 November 17th, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

November 18th, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 

November 19th, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 


Camp Location:  2311 E Lanark St, Meridian, ID 83642

Camp Director Jon Garrard 

For more information please email jon.garrard@albionscidaho.org